

Stretch Ceiling (Barrisol): Wall, ceiling, etc. It is a practical coating material used or started to be used in places.


It is also popularly known as a material that can be used to give light without showing the light source.


Moreover, it is also known as a stretch ceiling lighting material. In addition to being able to give the desired shape by heating it slightly, it can also be cut and applied in desired dimensions piece by piece. If you want, you can cover the whole ceiling, with this, you can cut it into pieces and cut it into pieces and make the ceiling colorful.


Or you can place it directly above the pool or fountain, with the shape of the pool or fountain, to get a perfect reflection illusion.


The stretch ceiling is especially used for the lighting of workplaces. The light source is always hidden while in use.


The reason why it is hidden is that it does not take the eyes of the people in the place.


Let's give the following information about the stretch ceiling;

1) Stretch ceiling is always hygienic.

2) The stretch ceiling is never and never affected by moisture and water.

3) Stretch ceiling It is very simple, very light and very practical.

4) The stretch ceiling is anti-static, never dust-proof.

5) Stretch ceiling Never needs paint, never cracks and flakes

6) Stretch ceiling; It offers magnificent design possibilities with its lacquered, satin, matte colors, suede, perforated and especially metallic textures.

7) Stretch ceiling never catches fire in a fire.

8) The stretch ceiling is never affected by the rays, especially x-rays.

9) You can easily put the stretch ceiling into the shape you want.

10) The stretch ceiling is never and never affected by minor impacts.

11) The stretch ceiling is easily mounted or removed without the need to close or move the space.

12) The stretch ceiling can always be disassembled and reassembled as needed and offers the possibility of reuse.

13) Stretch ceiling is never affected by gases such as fluorine, formalin, ether and trichlorethylene.

14) The stretch ceiling provides 100% acoustics with microsorber texture.

15) All types of recessed or surface-mounted lighting fixtures, anemostats, detectors, sprints, illuminated signs, security cameras, etc. It is always compatible with the assembly of all other elements.